Thursday, May 7, 2020

Plane Power Alternator and Skytec Starter

Plane Power Alternator & Skytec Starter Installed
I had to make the bracket to support the right side engine baffle. Installed new belt and attached wiring. I still had good spacing with the Power Flow muffler.

Removed factory Chrysler type alternator

I left the Lamar adjustable voltage regulator and the
factory Prestolite over voltage control under the dash.

I removed the Magnaflite light weight starter
and installed a Skytec. The new starter weighed
about 1 1/2 lbs more. It does have more torque.  
With the Concorde RG-35AXC, Bogert cables and new
starter it starts on the coldest days on the first swing.

The aircraft was rewired and a new breaker panel
and new breakers were installed.

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